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Our research group broadly explores how to improve biology teaching and learning at the undergraduate level.

Classroom Discourse Observation Protocol (CDOP)


In collaboration with Dr. Abdi Warfa's research group at the University of Minnesota and Dr. Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright at Augsburg University, we validated and developed a new instrument, the Classroom Discourse Observation Protocol (CDOP), which quantifies teacher discourse moves (TDMs) from observational data in undergraduate STEM classrooms. TDMs can be conceptualized as epistemic tools that can mediate classroom discussions. With these discourse moves, the instructor engages students in the construction, justification, and evaluation of knowledge as opposed to simply providing factual knowledge.

Sample of CDOP coding matrix

sample CDOP coding matrix.JPG

Sample of CDOP coding scheme

sample CDOP coding scheme.JPG

© 2020 by the Biology Education Research Group at the University of California Merced.

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