of biology education research

BIO 001: Contemporary Biology
Undergraduate Level
Biology is the study of life, so our first goal is to introduce you to different biological topics, including cells, genetics, evolution, plant and animal form and function, and ecology. Beyond the specific topics, another major goal for this course is to help you learn how to learn. How do you know when you are learning something? Our instructional team is going to help you think, talk, and write about biology.
BIO 195: Upper Division Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate Level
The goal of the course is to train graduate students in the sciences in a scientific approach to teaching that reflects the way that we work as researchers (i.e., Scientific Teaching), especially some strategies for: 1) making your lectures, discussions, and labs inclusive for all students; 2) incorporating student-centered, active learning approaches into your teaching practices; and 3) understanding if/what/how students are learning (i.e., assessment).

QSB 201: Teaching and Learning in the Sciences
Graduate Level
The goal of the course is to train graduate students in the sciences in a scientific approach to teaching that reflects the way that we work as researchers (i.e., Scientific Teaching), especially some strategies for: 1) making your lectures, discussions, and labs inclusive for all students; 2) incorporating student-centered, active learning approaches into your teaching practices; and 3) understanding if/what/how students are learning.

QSB 399: University Teaching
Graduate Level
This course is designed to help graduate students become more experienced with best practices in measuring the effectiveness of your teaching. This course is an introduction to education research, including its literature and techniques. After completing this course, you will not be an expert at education research; however, you will be familiar with the primary aspects of doing education research, and will be capable of planning and carrying out a small study to measure the effectiveness of your own teaching.

BIO 197: Biological Sciences Culminating Experience
Undergraduate Level
This course involves original research, including proposal writing, project planning, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, written report and data presentation.

Dr. Petra Kranzfelder teaching BIO 001 in Fall 2019 at UC Merced